Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Embracing Truth and Healing: National Day of Remembrance for Indian Boarding Schools

This September, we reflect and remember the survivors and their descendants of the U.S. Indian Boarding Schools. A grave and dark part of our history, these schools were instrumental in the erasure of the indigenous cultures, languages, and histories.

The ELCA deeply comprehends the essentiality of acknowledging our participation in the devastating history of Indian boarding schools, emphasizing the path to collective healing and reconciliation. We, as a community, are on a perpetual journey to understand, learn, and advocate, intending to contribute to the Truth and Healing Movement.

On September 30, join us as we observe the National Day of Remembrance for Indian Boarding Schools. Show your support and solidarity by wearing an orange shirt, sharing a photo of yourself, your congregation, or your community on social media with the hashtags #ELCA #TruthAndHealing and #DayOfRememberance. For those wishing to amplify their support, orange shirts adorned with the National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition (NABS) logo can be purchased here.

Our commitment to truth and healing extends beyond September 30. We strive to ensure the momentum of learning and advocacy continues, bringing more awareness and fostering healing and reconciliation.

To learn more about the history, get involved, and join us on this journey towards healing, please visit