Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Embrace Diversity and Youth Participation at the 2024 Grand Canyon Synod Assembly

An exciting opportunity for increased and diverse voting membership awaits at the upcoming 2024 Assembly, scheduled for June 14-15 at Love of Christ Lutheran Church in Mesa. This assembly isn’t just another routine gathering; it’s an election and a vibrant forum where each congregation’s voice matters. Importantly, this year's Assembly emphasizes increased participation from diverse groups within our church community. View our assembly page about determining voting members for more info.

New Resolution: Expanding Diversity and Youth Involvement

A significant update for this year is the Synod Council’s resolution passed in September 2024. Congregations can now elect an additional lay voting member who is a person of color or whose primary language is other than English. Moreover, to engage younger generations, there’s an allowance for an additional youth (confirmed up to age 17) or young adult (age 18 to 30) voting member. This effort ensures our Synod reflects the diverse and dynamic nature of our community.

Voting Member Allocation: Ensuring Broad Representation

The number of voting members each congregation can send to the Assembly is proportionate to its size. Here's a breakdown:

  • Fewer than 175 members: 2 Lay Members

  • 176-399 members: 3 Lay Members

  • 400-649 members: 4 Lay Members

  • 650-1,299 members: 5 Lay Members

  • 1,300-1,849 members: 6 Lay Members

  • 1,950-2,599 members: 7 Lay Members

  • 2,600-3,249 members: 8 Lay Members

  • 3,250-3,899 members: 9 Lay Members

  • 3,900-4,550 members: 10 Lay Members

A balance of male and female lay members is essential for equal representation.

Who Are the Voting Members?

Voting members at the Synod include active and retired Ministers of Word and Sacrament, Ministers of Word and Service on the Grand Canyon Synod roster, Synod Council members, and Officers of the Grand Canyon Synod.

The Call for Participation

As we prepare for the Assembly, let’s embrace this opportunity to ensure our Synod’s leadership reflects the rich diversity and youthful energy of our congregations. Encourage participation and let your congregation’s voice be heard in shaping the future of our Synod.