Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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ELCA Spotlight: ELCA Civic Life and Faith Social Statement

Our ELCA spotlight is on the upcoming social statement, Civic Life and Faith, which explores the role of church and state. The feedback period is open until September 30, 2024. Participate by reviewing the draft and providing feedback. Visit for more details.

As people of faith, how do we engage with civic life and the responsibilities that come with it? This is the question the ELCA seeks to address through its upcoming social statement on Civic Life and Faith. The draft of this social statement, developed by a dedicated task force, is now available for public review and feedback.

Social statements play a critical role in shaping the teachings and policies of the ELCA on key social issues. They are tools for reflection and guidance, helping us navigate complex topics such as the relationship between church and state. Your voice is essential in shaping this important document.

How You Can Participate:

The ELCA invites you to review the draft social statement and provide feedback by September 30, 2024.

The task force will review all feedback and make necessary revisions before submitting the final draft to the ELCA Church Council. This final version will then be considered for adoption at the 2025 Churchwide Assembly.

Let us come together as a community of faith, engaging in thoughtful dialogue and prayer as we consider the complexities of our civic responsibilities. Your feedback is vital in shaping this important document for the church and society.