Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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ELCA and Bishop Elizabeth Eaton Champion the "One Home One Future" Climate Campaign

Bishop Elizabeth Eaton of the ELCA joins 30 other US denominations in launching the "One Home One Future" campaign, urging congregations to champion environmental stewardship. Read more from Blessed Tomorrow about how faith and care for our shared Earth intertwine in this historic multi-faith movement. Visit the One Home One Future site here.

October marks a monumental stride forward in the realm of faith-driven environmental stewardship. In a stirring act of unity, 31 US denominations and faith organizations, including the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), have come together to launch the "One Home One Future" campaign. This initiative is a testament to the shared values that underlie our diverse religious traditions, emphasizing the importance of caring for our one shared home - Earth.

Bishop Elizabeth Eaton, the presiding leader of the ELCA, articulately conveyed the significance and commitment of the church, stating, β€œIn the ELCA we are called to care for creation and for each other. The ELCA is proud to be part of One Home One Future. We invite all of our congregations to participate, no matter if they have a creation care team or are just getting started." Bishop Eaton's leadership shines through as she acknowledges the collaborative efforts across faith traditions in the name of environmental justice and protection.

Choosing October 4th as the launch date – in alignment with the Feast of Saint Francis – this initiative is truly an interfaith endeavor. By showcasing the symbolic importance of the number seven, it resonates across multiple religious doctrines, further solidifying the shared goal of climate action as a foundational spiritual and ethical matter.

The "One Home One Future" campaign stands as a beacon for congregations across the nation, prompting them to take visible actions toward creation care and foster a more sustainable future. With the fervent support and leadership of figures like Bishop Eaton and the encompassing embrace of the ELCA, a more hopeful and harmonious future, in which faith and environmental advocacy intersect seamlessly, becomes conceivable.

To join this pioneering initiative or learn more, visit