Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Cycle 6 of the Spiritual Direction Certification Program at Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary

The Spiritual Direction Certification Program at Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary of Lenoir-Rhyne University begins its sixth year of participants in January 2022. Learn more in this PDF.

Each new cohort, which we call a cycle, has 16 participants and two mentors to support them. So far, our participants represent nine different denominations and 17 different states.

Spiritual direction is a centuries-old Christian tradition of listening to how God is moving toward healing and wholeness in people’s lives. This practice of holy listening has been reclaimed by Protestants after Vatican II in the Roman Catholic Church in the mid-20th century. Christians are increasingly hungry for authentic connection with God in the company of another, and seek the gift of spiritual direction in church leaders. Candidacy committees have responded to this spiritual hunger by suggesting that our seminary candidates participate in spiritual direction. Seasoned clergy are also yearning for this depth of spiritual connection in their own lives and practice of ministry, and are seeking out programs for spiritual direction. 

We would like to begin to raise up new generations of spiritual directors through our two-year certification (non-degree) program. Our next cycle of participation begins with an intensive on January 5-8, 2022. Applications for this cycle are due on November 15, 2021.