Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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CWA Reflection: Pastor Charles Newman

We continue our series of weekly reflections on the 2022 Churchwide Assembly with thoughts from Rev. Charles Newman, with Crossroads in San Tan Valley. Each week we share a 2022 CWA reflection on how we are church together by our synod voting members. View all our 2022 CWA posts here.

The Churchwide Assembly was a great way to experience church together, which included congregations, synods, and our Churchwide organization.  Connecting with new people, past friends, and GC Synod voting members was valuable in gauging current perspectives of the ELCA.

 As the assembly began, there was a sense of skepticism, uneasiness, and anxiety. These concerns were realized with the apology and confession of harm to Iglesia Lutheran Santa Maria Peregrina. Over the course of our week together, concerns gradually diminished and were replaced with hope, promise, and forgiveness from our redeemer and sustainer, Jesus Christ.

As we continue our journey in a more progressive manner, it was refreshing to encounter various age groups, ethnicities, and sexualities that were represented as voting members at the assembly. This became a beautiful witness to the strides we have made as the ELCA. There was a true sense of community that was revealed when we worshiped together, prayed together, and spent time in fellowship with one another. It was clear that our investment of time together and the discernment that took place in plenary sessions paved the way for a more inclusive acceptance and an understanding of each other as we move forward.

Reflecting on the assembly, I personally discovered a newfound hope for our church. By further understanding, accepting, and navigating through our unique gifts and diversity, I am excited to experience our capabilities as one unified body of Christ and paving the way for achieving our goal to welcome one-million new, young, and diverse people into the ELCA.

I pray now, after experiencing this kairos moment, that we, as a collective, do whatever is necessary (with grit and grace) to further advance the church to the glory of God.

In Christ’s name,

Charles Newman