Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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CWA 2022: Rev. Joann Conroy’s sermon, Wednesday, 8/10/2022

View the worship book for this service as PDF here.

  • Presiding Minister- The Rev. Guy Erwin (Wazhazhe/Osage)

  • Preaching Minister- The Rev. Joann Conroy (Winyan Wakan -Oglala Lakota Sioux)

  • Assisting Minister- Ms. Wanda Frenchman (Oglala Lakota Sioux / Delaware Tribe of Indians)

  • Drumming- Imnizaska Dakota Drum Group

  • Music in this live stream is used with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-704750, CCLI Licenses #72256 and 20637650, or otherwise with permission of the copyright holder.