Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Childcare at Synod Assembly Sponsored by PLTS and CLU

In a display of support for the families within our community, Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary and California Lutheran University are sponsoring childcare services at the upcoming 2024 Grand Canyon Synod Assembly. This gracious contribution underscores our Lutheran values of community and inclusivity, making it possible for all members, including parents and guardians, to participate fully in the assembly.

The provision of childcare services at the assembly is a vital step towards enhancing accessibility and ensuring that our gathering is welcoming to families. This initiative not only assists our attendees in balancing family and professional commitments but also fosters a nurturing environment for their children.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to both institutions for their generous support. This collaboration exemplifies the strength and compassion of our Lutheran community in Region 2, emphasizing our commitment to supporting each other.