Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Celebrate the living history of faithful women

We're celebrating Women’s History Month by telling the story of bold women of faith. We'll kick off the three-part series on Thursday, March 10, by exploring the life of Emmy Carlsson Evald (1857-1946). Advance registration is required for this free webinar.

Emmy's best known as the founder of the Women’s Missionary Society of the Augustana Synod. But did you know she was a suffragette? And a social activist? 

Join Sharon Wyman, great-granddaughter of Emmy Evald. She'll be sharing lesser-known pieces of Emmy's story. Sharon has written a biography of Emmy: Power, Passion, and Faith: Emmy Carlsson Evald Suffragist and Social Activist. The biography will be published in May, but Sharon and her publisher are kind enough to share an excerpt with Women of the ELCA readers.