Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Building Faith-Filled Futures for Children: Apply for Lilly Endowment Grants by March 4, 2024

Lilly Endowment Inc. invites charitable organizations to take part in an inspiring endeavor—the Nurturing Children Through Worship and Prayer Initiative. This initiative is a call to action for those committed to deepening the spiritual lives of children. With the potential to receive up to $1.25 million for a period of up to five years, organizations can establish or enhance programs that foster intergenerational worship and prayer, fully engaging children in the faith community.

Key Objectives for Eligible Organizations:

  • Tailor worship and prayer to the unique ways children connect with God.

  • Ensure inclusivity, particularly for children with disabilities.

  • Integrate the arts into worship to enrich children's spiritual experiences.

  • Embed Bible storytelling in worship and prayer that resonates with children.

  • Link worship and prayer to the daily lives of children and their families.

Eligibility and Application Process: Charitable organizations in the U.S. with 501(c)(3) and public charity status are eligible. The process begins with an Interest Form and a Letter of Interest due by March 4, 2024. The final proposal submission is set for May 6, 2024.

Support and Guidance: Information sessions on February 26 and 27, 2024, will provide insights into the initiative. Questions can be directed to, and FAQs are available for additional support.

This initiative is not just about funding; it's an opportunity to shape the spiritual journey of children, impacting their faith and our future. Be a part of this transformative work and submit your interest today.

Application Links: