Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Blessed Tomorrow: Celebrating Earth Day

by Rev. Carol Devine, Blessed Tomorrow Director

Spring has arrived in Kentucky where I live, and it is nourishing my spirit. The chirping of the birds, the scurrying of the squirrels, the beauty of the landscape, and the sunshine make my heart sing and give my body energy. Spring weather calls me outside and reminds me of the sacredness of the earth. While I know in my mind that spring will come, I always feel a bit surprised, as it is always even better than I remembered. Springtime gives me hope and reinvigorates me for my creation care and climate justice work. It is my prayer that everyone can experience the joy and beauty of the earth, particularly future generations. There is no better time for us to honor the earth and take action on climate.

Started by Senator Gaylord Nelson and Congressman Pete McCloskey in 1970, Earth Day has outgrown a one-day celebration on April 22nd, and is now honored all month long. Through the years, Earth Day worship and educational opportunities have become a regular part of many faith communities calendars. Blessed Tomorrow’s partner, Creation Justice Ministries has been creating and offering Earth Day educational and worship resources for churches for 20 years.

There is no better time than April to take the next step for climate action. Opportunities to act and lead on climate during April abound and here are 3 great ways to engage with Blessed Tomorrow for local action in your congregations and communities.

  • Join One Home One Future as an individual or on behalf of your congregation for access to resources, trainings, events, and community. All congregations receive a free, beautiful banner and resource kit to visibly lead on creation care. And everyone who joins now is eligible to receive a free Earth Day Tabling Kit.

  • Become a Climate Ambassador. This free, self-paced, online training equips faith leaders with the knowledge, hands-on experience, and resources to speak and take action on climate change. Choose from 10 customized versions.

Happy Earth Day!

About the Author:
Rev. Carol Devine, Blessed Tomorrow Director

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