Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Bishop Hutterer: Thank you for your support and being Church Together

Dear friends,

My Dad, Gerald C. Spiess, fell into the arms of Jesus on April 29, 2022. He was surrounded by family and in his home. I was able to be present with him the last week of his life. On Good Friday, he transitioned to hospice care with congestive heart failure. Three doctors told him there was nothing more to be done. After having some time to reflect, he said, “I’m 90, and I have lived a good life.” He was funny, curious, and loved his family, especially his wife, Evelyn.

My family got to experience Church Together. We were in Maplewood, MN, which is part of the Saint Paul Area Synod, and I called Bishop Patricia Lull for support. She came over and offered Scripture, prayers, and the Lord’s Supper. Her gift allowed me to be a daughter and family member rather than the family pastor.

The other way my family experienced Church Together was through all the expressions of sympathy from the Grand Canyon Synod. Your support — prayers, emails, phone calls, texts, and cards — has uplifted me during these days. 

God does good through you. I am grateful for you and your leadership.

The Rev. Deborah K. Hutterer
Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA