Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Bishop Eaton's election message

Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton calls for prayers and patience as the election process continues in the U.S.

Today, the uncertainty of this election is causing anxiety and stress for many, not only in our church, but also across our nation and around the world. Even in the midst of a pandemic, voters have done their jobs and turned out in record numbers. And now our election officials are doing theirs, as they have in every previous election. We are thankful the election process has been peaceful. 

The United States has always held elections and upheld a peaceful transfer of power, even in times of great crisis. We held successful presidential elections during the Civil War, the Great Depression and both World Wars. We honor our nation's legacy by exercising calm and patience while we wait for every vote to be counted while our election system does its work. 

Regardless of the outcomes of this election, the ELCA will continue to lift up the gospel of Jesus Christ as the basis for equity, justice, and peace for all peoples and creation. As disciples in a democracy, we will hold fast to our commitments to gender justice, to dismantling white supremacy as an anti-racist church, to welcoming the stranger and accompanying the neighbor, to affirming LGBTQIA+ siblings, and seeking economic justice for all.  

Dear church, this is a time to uphold the integrity of our election process, and it's also time for patience and prayer. Let us pray for election officials and peaceful advocates. Let us pray that all people in our nation will be treated with dignity and respect and not be discriminated against or intimidated during this deliberative process.  

And let us pray now.