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Advent Hymn: Give Thanks, Protestant Christian Batak Church

The Protestant Christian Batak Church presents "Give Thanks" as part of Lutheran World Federation’s Hymns of Advent and Christmas, featuring the Protestant Christian Batak Church (HKBP) Department of Diakonia, Indonesia.

Title - "Give Thanks" 
Vocalists - "Vol+2" Yenni Togatorop and Melani Saragi 
Musical Director - Saut Horas Nababan
Writer - Henry Smith (1978)

Give thanks with a grateful heart,
give thanks to the Holy One;
give thanks, because he’s given
Jesus Christ, his Son.
Give thanks with a grateful heart,
give thanks to the Holy One;
give thanks, because he’s given
Jesus Christ, his Son.
And now let the weak say ‘I am strong’,
let the poor say ‘I am rich’,
because of what the Lord has done for us;
and now let the weak say ‘I am strong’,
let the poor say ‘I am rich’,
because of what the Lord has done for us.
Give thanks…

Lyrics (español)
Tiempo de espera, 
tiempo de esperanza. 
es el Señor el que llega, 
ven a salvarnos, Señor. 
1. Tú que sueñas otros días,  
otros cielos, otra tierra; 
se han cumplido ya los tiempos, 
en la hora del Señor. 
2. Tú que marchas en las sombras, 
tú que buscas claridades; 
tú que en medio de las cosas, 
vas buscando la verdad. 
3. Tú que luchas por un mundo, 
de justicia verdadera; 
tú que buscas otras sendas, 
de unidad y libertad. 
4. Tú que sufres en la espera, 
tú que tengas la esperanza; 
el Señor es el que llega, 
Él nos da la salvación.  

Lyrics (English)
Time to wait, 
time of hope. 
it is the Lord who comes, 
come to save us, Lord. 

1. You who dream of other days  
other heavens, another earth; 
the times are fulfilled, 
in the hour of the Lord. 

2. You who march in the shadows, 
you who seek clarity; 
you who in the midst of things 
You who seek the truth in the midst of things. 

3. You who fight for a world of true justice 
of true justice; 
you who seek other paths, 
of unity and freedom. 

4. You who suffer in waiting, 
you who hope; 
the Lord is the one who comes, 
He gives us salvation.

A Singing Communion of Churches

During this Advent season, LWF member churches are sharing hymns from their congregations to show how the Lutheran communion regions prepare for Christ’s coming into this world.

We want to use this period to reflect on and celebrate the diversity, uniqueness and oneness of God’s gifts to us. Follow the #lwfadvent calendar

Martin Luther wrote: