Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Administration Matters: September, 2022

Issue 84 of Administration Matters

Stewardship Kaleidoscope: Sept. 26-28

Join us online or in person in Savannah, Ga., to hear practical stewardship tips from outstanding plenary and workshop leaders:
• New York Times bestselling author A.J. Jacobs, whose numerous books include The Year of Living Biblically and My Life as an Experiment: One Man’s Humble Quest to Improve Himself.
• The Rev. Dawn Hyde, pastor at the thriving Downtown Church in Columbia, S.C.
• The Rev. Michael Bos, senior minister at Marble Collegiate Church and author of A Church Beyond Belief: The Search for Belonging and the Religious Future.
Register at Stewardship Kaleidoscope.

Considering accessibility? Find out how one congregation lives out its welcome

As ELCA churches become more physically accessible, learn how one congregation uses its building as an invitation. Beginning with an inclusive welcome statement, First Lutheran Church in Lincoln, Neb., beckons not just in words but in parking spaces, a portico, ramps and more. If your congregation is contemplating renovations, planning accessibility updates or curious how one congregation strives to open itself to the surrounding community, read First Lutheran’s story (included originally in the Mustard Seed, a publication of the Mission Investment Fund of the ELCA).

2023 Portico annual enrollment reminder

In early August, Portico’s board of trustees approved 2023 rate and benefit changes. Shortly afterward, sponsoring organizations and plan members were notified via email. Organizations that currently provide Portico benefits will need to make their ELCA-Primary health benefit selection on EmployerLink Oct. 3-14. Before then you can visit the site to review your organization’s decision guide and custom comparison report.

Lutheran Men in Mission — National Bold Gathering

Lutheran Men in Mission is providing an opportunity for men to reengage with each other and the church. This event will be in-person only; though parts will be recorded and shared at a later date, the true experience will be joining in the fellowship onsite. Register here.

Starting a risk control program

As organizations settle into the “new normal” of a riskier security environment, they need a more strategic approach to managing these risks beyond “check-the-box” compliance. The best way to protect your organization from losses, both internal and external, is to develop a risk control program. >More

Get All Access offers digital tools to engage members, encourage giving, build websites and manage congregational membership data, with special pricing for ELCA congregations. An ELCA preferred vendor, All Access offers ELCA congregations complete access to its platform for just $49 per month. All Access includes complete giving, a church website, ChMS (Church Management Software), a church mobile app and text messaging. Take advantage of All-access at

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Over 13 years ago a group of staff at the ELCA churchwide organization got together with an idea. They wanted to offer church leaders a tool that would provide support in facilitating the management and administration of their congregations and ministries. So, Administration Matters was born.

Administration Matters addresses common, practical issues, including finance, governance, risk management, tax and legal concerns, and other topics of interest about day-to-day operations and management in church settings.

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