Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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$500,000 initial goal reached for Growing Generosity Appeal

Through the incredible generosity of our synod, we have reached our initial goal of $500,000 for our Growing Generosity Appeal, nearly two years ahead of 12/31/2023 schedule!

As of this post, we have $533,289 in pledges and gifts, with over 90% of gifts received. Our initial goal funded three initiatives:

  1. Growing Financial Viability: $150,000 for a Lilly 3E dollar-for-dollar grant, providing a total of $300,000 for our synod.

  2. Growing Future Ministries: $250,000 raised for Lutheran Campus Ministry ($100,000) and new & emerging ministries ($150,000).

  3. Growing Fervent Voices: $100,000 raised for Lutheran Advocacy Ministry Arizona (LAMA, $70,000) and Lutheran Engagement and Advocacy in Nevada (LEAN, $30,000).

Read more about reaching this important Growing Generosity milestone in these other blog posts:

Your generosity helps us reach our $750,000 goal by 12/31/2023.

Grow our synod’s ministries by visiting our pledge form and exploring giving options.